Our Mission.

Fighting against counterfeit KF94 masks and provide only the best ones.

There are hundreds of different mask brands on the market and made a lot of eye-catching claims. Wearing a failed mask not only wastes your money, but also gives you no protection at all.

Before you get lost in the mask market, we are here to help. Our team has been seriously and rigorously selecting the best quality masks for you by doing tons of research, studying, examining, and testing over 80 popular mask brands on the market.

In order to provide the most protection possible to our communities, We have been and will continue to fight against the counterfeit and failed masks on the market.

So, we built this platform: www.kf94mask.com

Our goal is to only provide the qualified KF94 masks with the best quality. All masks listed on the website are strictly selected among hundreds of kf94 brands. They are all manufactured in S. Korea and certified by Korea Food and Drug Safety (KFDS).

List of KF masks registered with KFDS in Korean